OPD Hours : Sunday to Friday - 8am to 5pm

HOTLINE- 977-1-4371322, 4371374, 4370622, 4370744; EHS: 977 -1-4376349;
Corporate Package: 977 9763681131,977  9763681132, 977 9763681133

Doctor Profile

Vidya Joshi Koirala

Senior Nursing Supervisor

Post Basic Bachelor Nursing (2006-2008)

NNC No: 5304

Trained For:

ØPrimary trauma care & Psycho social first-aid(2014).

ØCritical care skill (2013).

ØTOT on Prevention of RHD (2015).



ØSGNHC staff from 07/10/2056.

ØNursing Supervisor from 01/10/2072.